The Sally B Appeal

Please support The Sally B Appeal

Sally B Needs You!

The UK’s only remaining airworthy B-17 Flying Fortress, Sally B, has graced the Skies of England and Europe for the past 48 years, honouring the many young men, who lost their lives trying to save ours during the second World War. Keeping a huge WWII Bomber flying for 10 years let alone for 49, is quite an achievement. Not forgetting it has been accomplished without any official help whatsoever.

Please help us keep our beloved aircraft in the air where she belongs.  The cost of keeping Sally B in the air is spiralling upwards at an alarming rate, fuel costs has trebled, as has spare parts and almost everything else, therefore we must raise more funds if we are to keep this unique aircraft flying now and for future generations.

I have always relied on your loyal support, and you have always come through for Sally B. And while I know how challenging the financial climate is for everyone, I am asking you please support the Sally B Appeal if you possibly can - we depend on you as we tackle the many extra challenges still ahead of us.

Donating is easy: click on any of the donations buttons below, or complete and return the donation form. Whatever you give will go purely to keep Sally B flying.

As a "thank you", if you give £430 or more (£495 for non members), we will add the name of your choice to The Roll of Honour on Sally B for one year. Donate to keep Sally B flying and have the name of your choice added to the prestigious Roll of Honour on Sally B for one year. (Please email us your chosen name at

Please help by donating today. Sally B NEEDS YOU!     

To make a donation online, click on one of the buttons above, using our secure CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) link or complete and return the donation form

If you are donating as a company please do not use the Charities Aid Foundation, but do contact us for details on how to proceed.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Elly Sallingboe
B-17 Operator and Chairman of the Trustees

© B-17 Preservation Limited